Helix Sleep Review: 7 Nights On A Custom-Made Mattress
Helix Sleep customizes your mattress to account for how you sleep, your body type and more. Here's how it compared to our old mattress.
Xavier Harding
We spend a third of our lives sleeping. That's a truism we all accept—and neglect. The fact is, few us are geting the right kind of sleep—quality, deep sleep that repairs bone and muscle, boosts the immune system, and ensures we wake up energized.
Plenty of modern mattress-makers like Casper and Leesa offer to get us there by promising us the perfect mattress. But bed startup Helix Sleep says no such straight-from-the-factory mattress exists or will ever exist. Their counteroffer: a bed that you can customize, in your home, to fit your body and accommodate your sleeping preferences.
The Premise
Helix Sleep’s founders—Jerry Lin, Kristian von Rickenbach and Adam Tishman—started their company on a single premise: Each sleeper needs a fully tweakable mattress to account for all sorts of physiological and sleep-behavioral nuances. (Those who sleep on their stomachs, for instance, need firmer support than do back-snoozers.) By filing out an extensive questionnaire, Helix matches beds to sleepers.
“There are a number of important metrics we take," says von Rickenbach. "We tend to categorize them across physical body type, sleeping style and personal preference." Height and weight offers up your body mass index (BMI). Helix also looks at body type. "Someone with broad shoulders and an athletic build," she says, "would have a different manner of pushing into the bed than if someone who is tall and narrow."
Helix Sleep
Temperature regulation is an important part of building a better mattress
Your sleeping style (ie, the position you sleep in) dictates how your body pushes into the bed. “The personal preference category relates to feel," says von Rickenbach. How soft or firm does the bed feel for you? Temperature, too, plays a roll. Do you tend to get hot or at cold while you sleep? An underrated feature of beds, which can regulate temperature, is airflow through the mattress. Better regulation through airflow, theoretically, leads to a better night's sleep.
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